
KEO Sokea

Director & Founder

Contact Information

Tel: (855) 023 883 885
H/P: (855) 012 267 897
Fax: (855) 023 883 885

Biography: KEO Sophea (aka KEO Sophea) is a Cambodian lawyer who has many experiences in legislation development, project management, law firm management, advocacy in public health, child protection, among other things. He is practicing  in family law and child protection. He has a varied career as Child Protection Officer, attorney and teacher (professor of Russian Language). He worked for 15 years for two UN agencies: Unicef Cambodia and Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights from 1994 to 2009. Then he works as an attorney-at-law/ Chairperson at the SK & P Cambodia Law Group from 2009 until now.  


Penza Institute for Foreign Language and Pedagogy, Russia


Practical Language Training: Russian Language, Linguistics, Phonetic, history, Pedagogy and Psychology, etc.

Phnom Penh University

1987 - 1992

Bachelor Degree in Education in 1992 (Specialized in Russian) Main subjects: Russian Language and literature of Russian and of Western countries Secondary subject : Linguistics, Phonetic, Khmer Literature, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, etc.

Faculty of Law and Economics

1997 - 2001

Law Degree (on the job-training) Main subjects: Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Financial Law, Administrative Law, International Relation, History of Political Ideas, Public Rights and Freedoms etc.

Panasatra University and Center for Lawyer Training and Professional Improvement

2002 - 2003

Center for Lawyer Training and Professional Improvement of the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia: Administrative Law, Lawyer's activities in criminal and civil procedures, Criminal and Civil Law/Codes, Human Rights and NGOs Law, Labor Code, Contract Writing, Negotiation/Mediation Advocacy, Skills to communicate with clients, Commercial Law, E-commerce, Accounting, Tax Law, Bankruptcy, Prosecutor's Role and Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility


Technical Workshop on Juvenile Justice, Bangkok/Thailand

July 2002

Mobilizing Community Participation for Child Rights Sensitization

21st August to 1st September 2000

Conducted at Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

International and Cambodian Human Rights Law Training

23 June to October 1998

Conducted at University of Sanfrancisco / School of Law, Cambodian Community Legal Education Centers

International Criminal Law

18-22 July 2008

Conducted by International Bar Association, Bar Association of Cambodia and Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

SEATCA Lawyers Fellowship Training Workshop, Philippines, Tagaytay

19-20 Nov 2009

Training on Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and Guides

9-10 December, 2010

Organized by The Campaign for Tobacco-Free-Kids, Washington DC, USA

Legal Seminar on Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and Guidelines

December, 2011

Organized by The Campaign for Tobacco-Free-Kids, Washington DC, USA

Professional Experiences

1. Assisting international legal expert attached to provincial courts (Kompong Speu amd Takeo Courts) in providing trainings on human rights and laws to judicial police, judges and prosecutors 2. Interpreting legal lectures or consultation given by UNCHR's consultants attached to Kompongspeu and Takeo courts to respective judges, prosecutors, clerks and police officers 3. Assisting the aforementioned consultants in liaison with government and non-government institutions or Human Rights' NGOs 4. Translating laws, decrees, letters, and other documents akin to legal field 5. Performs other duties as required by the UN Center for Human Rights
1. Technical assistance and coordination on child justice 2. Technical assistance to /Facilitation of Trainings 3. Legal Translation 4. Monitoring and reporting 5. Awareness raising and advocacy 6. Project Planning
1. Family Law: Guardianship, Local Adoption, Inter-country Adoption, Property 2. Children's Rights and Protection 3. Child Justice: Juvenile Justice and other issues pertaining to Children 4. Justice System 5. Development of Laws and Regulations 6. Litigation: Civil and Criminal Cases 7. Translation of Legal Documents 8. Training on Family Law, Child Justice and Child Protection: act as resource speaker and trainer within the aforementioned expertise 9. Tobacco Control: in collaboration with civil society such as local and international NGOs (SEATCA, CTFK, CMH, etc) and World Health Organization, work in the area of advocacy and drafting law and regulations tobacco control
1. Managing SK & P Cambodia Law Group 2. Practicing Family Law: Guardianship, Local Adoption, Inter-country Adoption, Property, Children's Rights and Protection 3. Child Justice: Juvenile Justice and other issues pertaining to Children 4. Justice System 5. Development of Laws and Regulations 6. Litigation: Civil and Criminal Cases 7. Tobacco Control: in collaboration with civil society such as local and international NGOs and World Health Organization, work in the area of advocacy and drafting law and regulations tobacco control